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This issue offers English-speaking audiences a glimpse of the wealth of the journal’s scientific output with this range of articles in differentd isciplines (sociology, political sociology, socioeconomics, anthropology, geography and political science), reflecting the journal’s editorial line.
The articles represent a balanced distribution of three key focal points —problems, processes and populations— for analysis of the reconfigurations of development studies. Grounded in these three general concepts, this special issue critically reviews examples of public policies, programmes and projects involving multiple actors. It thus analyses international aid system developments in the light of increasingly insistent performative demands, questions the normative aspect of certain concepts, such as resilience, and reflects on the difficulties of governance and control of violence.
Long-term observations and fieldwork are used to decipher the forms of social and political regulation found in access to food and land resources, the use of road infrastructures, the mentoring of young people, and also conflicts of ethnic and religious appearance. A number of articles also capture the diversity of the studied fields and observed populations and organisations, from police officers and road users in Kinshasa and Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo, through the Muslim Brotherhood and young people in Egypt, to Bozo and Bamanan farmers around Djenné in Mali, and farmers and artisanal gold miners in Peru.